empty plastic chair on sand by ocean

End of Summer Mental Fitness

“One must maintain a little bit of summer,

even in the middle of winter.”

~ Henry David Thoreau

End of Summer

Bathing suit season is officially over, school’s back in session, and the beaches are free again!  This has always been a bittersweet time of the year for me.  As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, I tend to feel that summer went too fast and I long for more time.  I begin to reflect on the Fall and Winter ahead and buckle down to reevaluate my goals.   

Time to Inventory Mental Fitness

The new season is a wonderful time to make sure I’m on track and moving forward!  It’s, also, a good time to take inventory of my mental fitness.  How am I doing?  Am I using the right tools to support excellent mental health?  How are my clients and the people around me doing as we navigate yet another change? 

Changing Seasons & Mental Wellness

This can be a challenging time for many as the days become shorter, the carefree days of summer are replaced by the routine of school and work, and colder weather moves in.  The change of seasons can bring an increase or a decrease in mental wellness challenges.   

For some, the summer was dreaded for many reasons – pressure to socialize more and show more skin, loss of structured routine, and heat intolerance – to name a few.  On the other hand, for many, the summer was a long-awaited season filled with barbecues, friends, beaches, and less-restrictive clothing.  By the same token, some of us prefer the fall and winter months while others tend to experience season-related mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. 

No matter which camp you belong to, the change of seasons is inevitable (although climate change seems to be blurring the lines these days).  Let’s use this time to enhance our mental fitness toolbox.  What are your go-to practices when you feel less than optimal?  Some tools include meditation, exercise, talking with a friend, calling your coach or therapist, sticking to a sleep schedule, journaling, and eating clean. 

Looking Forward!

As summer draws to a close, what are you planning for the rest of the year? It’s important to have something to look forward to rather than focus on the “loss” of summertime fun.  Let’s use this transition to refocus on the goals we are striving for this year.   

If you’d like to explore how coaching can provide support and accountability, please schedule an Initial Consultation here

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