Personal Success

two butterflies atop flower buds

Formula For Excellent Stress Management

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant:if we did not sometimes taste adversity,prosperity would not be so welcome.” ~Anne Bradstreet Easter and Spring represent a season of rebirth, hope, joy, and new beginnings!  April includes many other national observances, including Canine Fitness Month, Volunteer Month, and Stress Awareness Month. Formula …

Formula For Excellent Stress Management Read More »

large numbers - 2024 - with a ladder leaning against the zero and a person looking out into the distance through a telescope

Creating the Right Formula to Reach Your Goals!

“Success is the progressive realization  of a worthy goal or ideal.” ~Earl Nightingale            In my last post, I discussed the holidays as a time of reflection as well as rejoicing.  I presented some grim statistics about weight gain during this season.  And, I promised to provide some action steps for …

Creating the Right Formula to Reach Your Goals! Read More »