What I Want To Do, I Do Not Do! – Tips for Behavioral Change


I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do.

But what I hate, I do.”  Romans 7:15.


Defining “Sin”

Before you get your knickers in a twist because I’m quoting the Bible, please reread the quote.  Admittedly, Romans is speaking specifically about “sin”.  However, we can all relate to unkept intentions and resolutions.   And, sin can be defined as serious shortcoming or fault.  Taken one step further, sin may be construed as thoughts or behaviors unbecoming of an individual.  Each of us struggles within ourselves from time to time.   Making behavioral changes and creating new habits can be very challenging.

Letting New Year’s Resolutions Slide

As we pick up steam in the new year, many resolutioners have let their resolutions slide.  No shame.  We are all just as busy as we were last month.  Without a plan to make gradual progress to your goals, it is very difficult to make lasting change just because the calendar changed.

Tips for Behavioral Change

In order to achieve lasting behavioral change, we need to do more than practice wishful thinking.  It is necessary to modify the ways we think and behave.  

Below are some tips to achieve new year’s progress.

  • Change your mindset: Resist the temptation to practice all-or-nothing thinking.   Celebrate gradual progress, not perfection.  Reward yourself for small wins.  Practice viewing setbacks and challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Create structure and systems: Consider how, when, and why to move toward your goals.  Set up a process to record your progress.  Check out my Habit Tracker here.  What gets recorded gets repeated!
  • Make small changes daily: Shifting habits gradually result in big changes over time.
  • Pair new habits with existing ones: Adding a new habit to something you already do serves as a reminder to perform the new act and feels less overwhelming.
  • Envision how you will feel when you reach your goals: This will serve as motivation when you encounter challenges and setbacks.  Plus, your subconscious mind will look for ways to move you toward your desired outcome.
  • Work with a Coach: A coach will provide feedback, support, and accountability.  Knowing that someone is interested in your progress serves to motivate you more than willpower alone can.  Schedule an Initial Consultation here.
  • Practice Self-Acceptance: Learn to appreciate yourself – mistakes and all.  Shaming yourself for slip-ups only serves to generate guilt and reduce self-esteem.  Appreciate the effort and progress you make.

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